Sunday, July 26, 2009

Baby Bjorn Giveaway!

It's been a while!

Sorry it's been so long! We have been so busy lately and it's hard for me to keep up with all my "networking" sites!! LOL! Skyler just turned two! Boy, she's really growing up fast. We took a family vaca to Texas to spend time with Darren's sister and her family. Had a blast. I'm getting ready to go back to school! Finally!!! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Guess we'll see!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Our new addition to the Family!!

Sorry it's been so long! We've seemed to survive the "oh so horrible snow storm" that we were "supposed to get". Some 16 inches of snow huh!!?? Anyway, we maybe got an inch and all is gone now. But wanted to share the news that we are getting a dog! A 3-4 month old black Lab. We have named him Chance. We adopted him from our local shelter!!! We get to pick him up from the vet this evening and are so excited! We'll post pictures later! Hope all is well with everyone!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

So, I haven't kept up on my end.....I keep forgeting! Sorry!

We are all so happy that spring is right around the corner! Skyler has spent the last 3 days playing outside most of the day and she has exhausted herself silly everyday! She has such a little personality too. She can really tell a story and she will talk with her hands so watch out! She is getting too big for her britches! Almost 20 months and I wonder where the last 20 months have gone. We are already into the terrible twos, throwing herself down on the floor and temper tantrums are a regular and so is her time out chair. She's starting to get better but a new habit we're trying to break her of....hitting. She gets so frustrated because she can't do something she's trying to do or we don't understand what she's saying that she'll hit whatever is close. Something that is hard to break when she gets so frustrated. Anyway, here are a few pics for you all to enjoy!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I need to stay on top of this!

I just realized I have been totally slacking on this blog thing!!!!!!

Nothing too new lately. We are just getting through the rest of this winter! I can't wait for spring!!! Skyler is growing up everyday! Her new thing is helping with the dishes and the dishwasher. She helps me put silverware in and no matter what...I have to put soap in. If I don't....she gets mad! Anyway, she puts her hands on her knees and watches me put soap in (to make sure I do it I guess!) then she closes the soap door and then shuts the dishwasher door.....then she watches or waits for me to turn it on! She's even learned that I just turn it to try and sufice her and it's not really running. It's just funny!!! She is also getting a bigger vocabulary too. I'm so proud of her but yet so sad she's getting so big!!!

Other than that....nothin' too exciting!!! I have new pics but I will have to wait to post them until my laptop gets fixed.....water + laptop = one dead computer!

Saturday, January 10, 2009's been a while

Sorry it's been a little while!! We got through the holidays and boy was it crazy! Here's some pics from Skyler's 2nd Christmas!!