Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tomorrow is Christmas EVE!!!!!

And I can't wait! Darren and I are soooooo excited about this Christmas since Skyler seems to be picking up on the present thing! She already opened one from one of her babysitters and she was wired for 4 hours! Christmas Morning is going to be a blast!!! We have the easiest Christmas yet.....Tomorrow will include going to Darren's parents for lunch and then my parents in the evening...then Christmas morning we get to stay home and have our own family Christmas (my favorite part!!) and the off to the big Tolin Christmas dinner in Lawrence in the afternoon and a night of poker and games!!! THEN!!! I get to go shopping day after!!!! I'm officially a shop-a-holic! LOL Oh well......I hope that this finds everyone healthy and having a joyful and memorable holiday season! I'll post video/pictures this upcoming weekend!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a week!

I know it's been a while since the last post and it's because I've been busy! Imagine that! through my first double family Thanksgiving dinner and I loved every minute of it! So did Skyler...she got to show off all day. The more laughs and "awwwws" she got...the more she did! Too funny. It has been a whirl wind but we all had fun. And go figure.....none of us thought to take pics. I was just busy and didn't think of it. I regret it now! But I got the tree up last night and boy that was all Skyler wanted! It was so funny....she would get sooooo excited that she would just go nuts and dance and fall down. She wants to touch so bad....Darren called me this morning at work and told me that she found the Snowman I had set out. (he's about 4 feet tall) and She would lean against the wall next to him and just chat with him...too funny! I'll work on getting the video camera out and try and catch these moments to share! Till next time..!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's almost Holiday Time!

It's so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here!!!! I'm very excited because we get to host Thanksgiving Dinner this year! We have been busy just keeping up with Skyler. She is a whirl wind! She learned how to do a flip last night and it was just too funny. She would flip backwards over me if I would lay on the floor...I just had to be there! She is really growing up. She pretty much eats anything you put in front of her....or that's on your plate! We are very excited this year for Christmas as this will be her first to where she will somewhat get it. We hope to get more pics put on soon!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cold Weather is here!!!

Just sitting here at work bored! Boy, our weather sure has taken it's turn to cold!!! Later this week the lows will be low 20s!! Skyler got to wear her winter coat for the first time this week and boy was she cute! I'll have to download pics for you all!! Just getting plans together for Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays. Skyler is teething..........again! She has 6 more teeth to get and boy I hope they come soon!!! She has tried some new foods too! She ate off of my Chicken Penne Gorgonzola from Carino's and she loved that. She also has tried some fajita veggies..loved those, also in love with steak! I'm just happy we don't have a picky eater!!!! Till next time!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New photos!!

Well, I finally got around to downloading the photos off my camera! So here are the few halloween pics I have and also some more of how Skyler and I spend our days!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's already November!!!

Well, our Halloween was a fun but quick night. As soon as I Got home from work we got Skyler changed and holy smokers....she was too adorable!!! Because we were in such a rush I didn't get all the pics I wanted but I figured I can always dress her up later too!! LOL She acted so silly in her little 50's costume!! I will post what pics I got here later when I get them downloaded. She was just too cute and a huge hit at the places we went. Hope everyone else had a good Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Whew....getting everyone better...finally.

Well it has been a long couple weeks. First Darren went back to the er with another kidney stone, then, Skyler came down with pink eye and a really bad ear infection.


But then she has started feeling better...but now Darren has pink eye in both eyes. Luckily I haven't picked it up!!!! Anyway, things are getting back to normal and I am stoked for the holidays already!! I finally got Skyler's costume done and together and can't wait for her to be a 50's girl!!! Watch for pics. Meanwhile, hear are some odds and ends to keep you occupied!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One last lonely picture!

Pic set 3

Pic Set 2

Pictures Set 1!

15 months already!

We can't believe that Skyler is already turning 15 months this Friday! Time sure flys by! This last Saturday, we went on one of many family traditions for the fall...we went up to Renyer's Pumpkin Farm and had a blast!!! I highly recommend it...especially for the younger kids! Skyler was everywhere and wanted everything. I also have added some pictures for you all to enjoy!! We are soooo excited it's fall!! Things are settling down and it's nice to have a "groove". I've started selling things on Ebay and it's almost as addicting as buying from ebay!! LOL!!! Darren has started a second job at Dillons stocking and loves the change of pace. It's also nice because I know what's going to be in the ads before they come out! Other than that....not too much going on!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Coming up on 15 months!

Wow! I can't believe Skyler is coming up on 15 months! She is getting too big for her britches already. She is getting more and more creative and daring. She loves the swings and the higher the better. She tries so hard to be a big girl! She tries to go down the steps like we do but then she takes a tumlbe and decides her belly is safer. She is starting to pick up on more words but only when SHE wants too. Stubborn and I don't know where she gets it from. We have really felt for once we are just taking in life for once and are finally settling down.

With halloween coming up I have started on Skyler's costume! Yes, I'm trying my hand at making her costume! I saw this little 50's girl in the magazine but felt $50 was way to much for a child's one time get to wear costume. So, I have made the tutu that is under the poodle skirt and finally finished the poodle skirt. It's not the greatest (satin is soooo hard to sew!!) but it's still cute!!!! Skyler loves the tutu part. She just dances around in it! I'll post pics sometime soon!

Other than that, things are going great! We are planning our first "Pumpkin Picking" trip up to Reyner's Pumpkin Farm soon and we'll have to post picks of that too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Texas Trip Last Month

It's turning into fall!!

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been awhile, busy bees around here! We had a major crisis last week....our computer got a major virus and almost toasted it but these smart people at The Computer Store fixed it!!!! YEAH! Skyler is a trip lately. She has really gotten into this dancing thing. Any music, and I do mean ANY, and she break out a new move!! It's too funny. I need to get the video camera set and ready so I can catch her. Right now, we're trying to decide on a Halloween costume! She seems to love them all. We are still trying to get the rest of our moving boxes all set and totally put away before all the holidays hit. I'm soooooooooooooooooo ready for fall!!!! Nothing too exciting but we will try and keep this more updated!!!! LAter!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wow. It has been a while! Sorry!

Well, we've been quite busy the last few weeks. We took our first family vacation down to Dallas to see Darren's Sister and her family for a week. Skyler did soooooo well! We actually traveled at night so she slept the whole way! We took Darren's neices out to some neat places including Skyler's first Chuck E Cheese trip. She loved it. Darren and I actually got a night out to ourselves while De offered to babysit! We went and saw Dark Knight and it certainly lived up to the hype! So we're back now and finally are getting into a normal routine! First time since early spring! LOL! I will have to post new pictures later!!! Can't wait for FALL!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Please check out this book!!!

I just read this entire book from start to finish today. Right now I cannot find the words. Uplifting comes to mind. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday Pics

Monday, July 21, 2008

What a birthday.

Well, Skyler had her first official birthday party this past Saturday and it was great. She had all kinds of fun with friends and family around. Food was wonderful and She made out like a bandit!! I love all the books we received!! She even ate with a big girl fork yesterday!!! Well, until she decided to learn to fling it all everywhere. That's ok, she still cute as can be!!! Now we have a little down time until we head off to Texas to spend time with Darren's sister and her family for a week!! Can't wait. I hope everyone is staying cool!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What a year it has been!!!

It is officially Skyler's first birthday today!!! She woke up this am about 6 and Darren went in to get her. She was just playing in her crib so happy. The next thing I hear.....daddy singing happy birthday to her. Brought me to tears. Ok....still in tears. I know I know...Miss Emotional. It's just amazing how much she's grown and changed. She has truely blessed our lives. I miss the little newborn but I can't wait for her to learn more about life and grow! Grow....yep...still a skinny minny!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

We're In!!!

What a week!!! We took Skyler to the DR monday because of a stomach virus. Darren went to the ER Wednesday due to kidney stones that lasted 2 days. Then we got 99% moved into our new house Friday and spent the night!!!! We are relieved that this is on the downward slope, all this moving! We have been working pretty hard the last two weeks. Our next project will be Skyler's Birthday Party!!!!!! We can't wait!!! Once things get put together at the house, I will post before and after pics!!!!! It might be a week or so though. But all is going well now and everyone is happy and getting better!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Skyler's 11 month random pics

Almost there

Wow. What a couple of days!!! We currently have the living room, dining room and kitchen done and painted, carpet cleaned. We even moved boxes and I got them all put away! The basement is now cleaned and it's getting finished the next few days. We are going to be moved all in by next Saturday!! We are getting even more excited. 1. to be in our own house and 2. to be done with all this work for a while! Skyler is only 3 weeks from turning 1!!!!! We'll get to have her first birthday party in our new house! Can't wait. We also have plans to take Skyler to the pool for the first time next week!!! Hope this finds everyone taking care and staying cool!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

New occupations!!!

Well I think Darren turned carpenter and I turned painter this last weekend!! We started the work on the house and it's turning out better than thought! Hopefully we can start getting things in it next week after the rest of the painting gets finished. I haven't had time to download pics yet but hopefully will by this weekend!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The new House

Well, we got to enter our new house for the first time last night! Yeah, and then realized the work we have in front of us. I mean it's not a lot but the painting and cleaning is going to take a bit. That's's ours!!! I will be getting some pictures for everyone to view. We had some rough weather last week. Mostly at home in Soldier. Tornados are a very awesome power that is very devastating. I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and we will be checking in again soon!!!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Made it through!

I officially had to spend my first night away from Skyler this week. Lifestar sent me and a couple other comm specs to a conference in KC and I spent the night. It was tough, tougher yet when we took a tour of Children's Mercy Hospital. My heart went out to all the families and babies we saw and made me EXTREAMLY Grateful for my family and their health. Skyler and Darren had a fun time "bachen' it".

I bought Skyler her first swim suit(s) this week too!!! They are too cute! I can't wait to get her to the pool!!!

It's also less than a week from the closing of the deal on our new house!!! I've started to pack more and have the paint colors picked out for the most part.

More later!!!!!!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

2 Weeks and counting!!!

It is only two weeks away! That is the signing of the papers for the closing of our first house!!! We are very excited! I have such a long list. Like painting!!!

Darren and I had a very long weekend. Darren had his Coor's Tourney at the softball diamond to work and I took my dad to the NHRA Drags. The sunburn was well worth it!!!! Got to meet and get Ashley Force's autograph. Another woman in racing!

Skyler has been doing great. She is getting better at her dancing and keeps becoming that "little person" (that's what her dad calls her) more and more everyday!!!!

Well, that's a quick update for now! Off to bed!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Current Pictures

Hello everyone!!!!

Well, I decided to give this blog thing a shot! I thought it would be a neat way for family and friends to keep up on our family news!

Lately : Skyler is 10 months and 2 weeks old and full of fun. She has only two teeth, we are hoping the rest just pop up at once! She is now walking, climbing, jumping, dancing, and giggling! She is in love with the outdoors which Darren and I are thankful for. She is learning more and more syllables and keeping us on our toes......constantly!

We are also in the process of buying our first home. We have our closing date set for June 12th and we take possession on the 15th. We are very excited to finally own something of our own that we can make our own! So we have a very busy schedule planned for the summer between making our house more ours, Skyler's first birthday, Darren's summer work schedule, and I working a 2nd (technically 3rd) job at Carino's Italian Grill!!!!
