Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's turning into fall!!

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been awhile, busy bees around here! We had a major crisis last week....our computer got a major virus and almost toasted it but these smart people at The Computer Store fixed it!!!! YEAH! Skyler is a trip lately. She has really gotten into this dancing thing. Any music, and I do mean ANY, and she break out a new move!! It's too funny. I need to get the video camera set and ready so I can catch her. Right now, we're trying to decide on a Halloween costume! She seems to love them all. We are still trying to get the rest of our moving boxes all set and totally put away before all the holidays hit. I'm soooooooooooooooooo ready for fall!!!! Nothing too exciting but we will try and keep this more updated!!!! LAter!